Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week Three Class Recap

Ok, this is coming a little late, but here is a list of some of the sites we discussed at the beginning of class this week:

Microblogging: Very short blog posts or "status updates". We looked at Twittervision which "geolocates" people with Twitter accounts.
Photoblogging: Photobloggers often use a site like Flickr to share their photos online, or to incorporate photos into a special type of blog. Here is a directory of photoblogs.
Moblogging is creating blog posts "on the go" using your mobile phone's text and photo messaging service.
Liveblogging is when bloggers cover sporting events, political conventions, conferences etc. in real time.
A Tumblelog is a "stream of consciousness blog" with no set theme, such as this one.
Vloggers or Videobloggers use a video service like YouTube to create video posts. A famous example was the online video diary of lonelygirl15, who turned out to be a paid actress.
Podcasts are syndicated audio files that you subscribe to and that can played back on computers and personal audio devices, like iPods.
RSS & AJAX are web standards used to publish feeds of frequently updated content like blog posts and podcasts, so they can be subscribed to.

The videos we watched in class were:
Andrew Keen on CNN
Blog the Vote on PBS/ NOW

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These definitions are very interesting. I imagine before taking the class it would be easy to lump all blogs into one category.